July 12, 2023
A gaggle of angry men gets in and takes her to a warehouse. They tie her to a wooden table and spray paint a target on her chest. The men all stand around the table and take turns slapping her in the face, smacking her tits, and pulling on her hair. She's barely conscious, but she knows she's about to get gangbanged. She closes her eyes and waits for the inevitable, but the men suddenly stop and take off their clothes. They put on the blindfold and tie her up with their clothes. The leader pulls out his cock and tells her to suck it. She does her best, but she can't get enough air into her lungs to do it well. He slaps her face and spits on her face. She gags and chokes, but he keeps pushing his cock in her mouth.
The blindfolded woman is strapped to a table in a warehouse. She's gagged with a scarf, and blindfolded with a white bandana. Her arms are tied to the table and her legs are spread wide. In front of her, there's a target painted on the table, a target with a bullseye in the center of her chest.