26m 16s
July 9, 2023
Anal Listas Latinas (2007) is a Spanish-language film directed by Antonio Cruz. The film is about a man who tries to connect with a woman he used to know.
Antonio Cruz's film, Anal Listas Latinas (2007) is a Spanish-language film about a man who tries to reconnect with a woman he used to know. The film is about an older man, and a younger woman, who meet again and she does not recognize him. The film is told in a third person perspective, and uses black and white imagery.
The film tells the story of a young woman and an older man who meet again after many years apart. They are strangers to each other and he is trying to reconnect with her. He does not know what to say, and she does not recognize him, so they are left to just awkwardly talk to each other. The film uses black and white imagery, and is told in a third person perspective.