5m 7s
April 6, 2023
The story opens with the protagonist, Bee, waking up in the morning and not remembering anything from the night before. She takes a shower, and when she's done, she's surprised to find out that her lover has left her a note saying that he's gone to work and will call her later. Feeling down, she leaves the house and runs into a friend who offers to buy her breakfast. They go to a nearby coffee shop, and while they're there, they're both approached by a stranger. The stranger invites them to a club that's playing some old school 80s music. Bee and her friend go, but when they get there, the place is empty.
Bee is feeling really low, so she goes to the bathroom and starts to think about how she could get some money to buy some drugs. When she goes back out to the dance floor, she notices a group of people playing an old game called King of the Dance. She joins in and wins a small wad of cash. After she wins, she sees a group of people playing an old game called Truth or Dare. She plays and then starts to feel better about herself. When she's done playing, she leaves the club and starts to walk home.
On her way home, she runs into her lover who is on his way back from work. He tells her that he can't stay because he has to go back to work. She gets really mad and starts crying. He tells her that he'll call her later and walks away.
After he leaves, she takes a deep breath and gets up off the ground. She starts to walk home and passes by an abandoned building that she's never seen before. She decides to go inside, because she's really upset. As soon as she's inside, she starts to remember everything that happened last night and starts to cry.
On her way out of the building, she notices a man standing outside of it. He tells her that he's going to take care of her if she agrees to come with him. She agrees, and he leads her back inside where she sees another man waiting for them. The man leads her back outside and tells her that he'll give her more drugs if she agrees to have sex with him for the night. She does and then remembers nothing more until she wakes up in the morning.
An erotic short story about a woman who wakes up with no recollection of what happened the night before and then goes on an adventure with two strangers that has her running from a shady figure from her past.