May 2, 2023
She has had a couple of lovers, but she is still in search of the perfect man. One day, while watching an online dating video, she gets a message from a mysterious man. She decides to answer his message and sees that he is attractive, witty, and romantic. Felicity is excited to find a new lover and sets up a date. However, she finds out that the man is actually a woman, who turns out to be a dominatrix.
Felicity's sexual awakening has just begun!
Felicity is a twenty-something woman who has never been in a relationship, but she has always been sexually active. One day, while watching an online dating video, she gets a message from a mysterious man. She decides to answer his message and sees that he is attractive, witty, and romantic. Felicity is excited to find a new lover and sets up a date. However, she finds out that the man is actually a woman, who turns out to be a dominatrix. The meeting is anything but the traditional date and Felicity is forced to explore new avenues of sexual expression.
The new experiences and the transformation in her own identity leads Felicity to finally find her perfect match in her current lover and the creator of the online dating video.